But it wasn’t until we got to see our video that we really came to appreciate the work of DMS. We could not stop watching this heartfelt video. They really captured our day so well. - Tiffany & Lindsey

Unforgettable Memories Through Stunning Videography
Elevate your wedding memories with our videography services, the ideal enhancement to our exceptional photography. At Dean Michaels Studio, we understand that while photos freeze moments in time, videos let you experience the laughter, tears, and heartfelt celebrations all over again. As a team, our videographers collaborate effortlessly with our photographers, ensuring every precious moment is captured beautifully, all while remaining unobtrusive on your special day.
We approach our videography the same way we do our photography. We aim to tell a story rather than simply produce a chronological compilation of wedding day events. From the song choice to the cinematic effects and scene order, everything comes together beautifully. Our modern wedding cinematography portrays stories of love, families, and celebrations.